8:00am Nature walk around the neighbourhood.
Activity: Get closer to mother-nature eg. chase some birds and chicken along the walk (well to say 'HI!", but unfortunately scare them off), pick up flowers n leaves to know of the different texture, colours, etc. and last ... bump into a kid with only nappy on standing outside by himself (see how safe TI is!). Kiersten & Christian love it!

8:30am Feed the mummy dog (a stray). My mum, a definite dog lover ... purposely prepare breakie (proper dog biscuit), lunch & dinner (sometimes bought / home cooked, steamed chicken rice) for the strays around the neighbourhood as usual. And Kiersten will always help her out whenever she is there. Well, newspaper and mug may not be the most ideal utensil to serve food with, but this is to avoid stealing whenever the dogs are unattended during the feeds.

10:00am Breakie time in a nearby Kopitiam for super yummy curry noodle & wantan mee (Kiersten claims it is better than KL ones) She will finish the entire plate herself. And Christian loves the lightly toasted bread with kaya (and since he is big on food, he will also finish-up the bread himself).
11:00am Visited Assumption Church. Kiersten was behaving very well when she was in and even sat at the pew for a prayer. She walks around the churh and started asking about the 'station of the Cross' & why the baddy is making Jesus carry the Cross, why Jesus falls, over & over & over again like a broken record. Well, mummie repeatedly answer her ... also like a broken record (well it is mama's bedtime story to her). The Church visit is also to let her know this was where mummie used to study during Kindi days!

With her usual friendly charm, she found a new friend already. Kids are just barrier free :)

8:00pm After dinner, got back home and Kiersten was musing around with Dada. Basically ice-cream making. Yup, the ice-cream is attachable & detachable for creative mix-up!

Sun 11:00am Visited the infamous TI 'LEANING' Clock Tower. Kiersten was sitting down and checking out the height of the tower from a bird's eye view.

And as usual, Christian will crawl around to wonder & explore. See how much he enjoys it!

Exploring & walking up the steep spiral stairs of the tower. Not easy stint especially with kids and fragile wooden stairs railings. Not so scary lar ... just have to be extra careful.

More exploration
This pix sums up our typical visit back to my hometown, visiting my parents, whilst immersing ourselves into food, and exploration for the kids. REALLY FUN WEEKEND FOR ALL!!!
Always great to go home. Am glad your kids are enjoying it too...we sure had a ton of fun growing up there!! :-) and of
course the food's always better than the ones in KL :-P
hey Alicia: U r superbly right .. when we were young ... kinda can't wait to get out from TI, but now ... can't wait to get bck for sum human touch and warmth :)
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