Our day started off early! With me heading towards our home park to layout the 'treasures' (Papier Mache Eggs and Chocolates), laying clues, and instructions for the kids! ONCE done ... Wholoa .. Dada brought them to the 'Treasure Park'! We have the entire park to ourselves since no parents in their right mind will be heading to the park with their kids in the morning under 37 degrees :P
Listening to instructions diligently ... like real kan? They are taking it very seriously ok ... in-search of 'treasures'!
See the cheeky faces after the instruction session is over ... Kiersten has a plan in mind already :) But she knows the rule ... every treasure they found include 'TWO' prizes ... obviously one for each ... in a way .. they are actually working as a 'TEAM' rather than working individually to out- beat each other ... brilliant!
Cruising out and about the entire park for the treasures!
Some of the treasures & grand prize FOUND!!!
Christian: Yeh! It's Chocolate!!! (hahaha but it's all melted due to the hot weather ... sent it home and straight into the fridge before they get to savor it during tea-time ... yup, only get to have a small bite each during tea-time ... wicked mummy!)
Yup ... since we all had FUN! FUN! FUN! earlier in the Park ... we continue it back home after breakie ...
Ermmmm ... yup, and FUN includes doodling ... NOT just on papers ... but kinda 'tattooing' our body too!
Can you guess what Kiersten had written?
How can i possibly not leeting you guys know the answers and only guessing from the amateur writing ...
On my palm: is a part of our home / garden's name
At the back of my hand: Smiley faces and 'I LOVE (heart shape) U'!
On my feet: Smiley face (the 1st ever doodle they learnt since they are 1 year old .. we used to doodle on ALL our fingers and toes as we sing along with 'Fingers Song'!!! Super FUN!!! You should try it too ... de-stress :)
Happy Belated Easter to ALL!!!