Monday, March 23, 2009

Kiersten 1st time savoring CHOCOLATE at GODIVA


Yup at 26 mths old ... this is her FIRST time eating a chocolate. My-oh-my ... mummie forbade that! Yup, i'm no enthusiast when it comes to anything that spells JUNK! But as usual, Dada is always the saviour or rather the more adventures one :P
And can you believe it, doctors, paediatrician, are actually offering SWEETS to young patient like Kiersten each time they visit them! How RIDICULOUS! I have to WARN them off each time they do so! Once, a doctor gave Kiersten a Chupa Chup ... and for whatever the reason, she was very persistent (i almost fainted coz it was kinda the 1st few times and it just never caught me that a Doctor will actually do just that!) i obligely let Kiersten have it, but telling her that the Chupa Chups which is called SWEETs are actually NOT FOOD, it is a TYPE of FLOWER with NO PETALS! So she just hang on to it till we reached home ... and i just grab a chance to take it and throw it away when she left it on the floor.
HA Ha HA ....
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1 comment:

Sherry Ng said...

oh my gosh that is adorable!!
Kiersten is Adorable!